this is love

this is love
our successful grains

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Remember that time....

Remember that time you told someone about how you are planning to home educate your kids and they DIDN'T express their concern regarding socialization?  Yeah, ME EITHER. 

Oh, would it be nice to not have to explain, "my daughter is already more outgoing (at almost 4) than I ever was in all of my 13 years in public school", or "she takes dance, does this, does that, etc".  It would be so nice to not have to try and convince people..."i promise my kids won't be weird, I know what I'm doing!".  Am I weird and socially inept or something? lol  I really want to go all Katniss from The Hunger Games on people, but I never seem to have my bow and arrow at those times. 

Ok, back to mature Haleigh.  I realize that I didn't understand what home education was all about at a time.  I understand that people express concern because they have seen a weird, socially awkward kid who was homeschooled.  I also realize that there is a wrong way to go about it.  But, for the sake of my sanity, can we all assume that my kids will be just fine because of that fact that I've done hundreds of hours of research, read many books on the subject, and talked with other homeschooling families?  awesome!  :) 

I an more than happy to discuss my reasons for choosing to home educate, when people inquire.  I love talking about it! (maybe that will be a future blog entry)  It's the dreaded socialization concern that causes me to become a bit cross.  I suppose by now I should expect it and not get offended; take it as a sort of opportunity to enlighten those that don't fully understand it (because I certainly didn't either).  Ok, I choose to not be offended anymore.  I will no longer be shocked by people's unsolicited thoughts and opinions; I welcome an extent, lol.  My inner Katniss is now suppressed. Whew, glad I got that out. 

This article sums up this debate for me:
Socialization Debate

I "ain't got no" socially awkward child.  But she is my little hilarious nut.  :)

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